We have to improve out work habits, productivity levels to compete with china: NR Narayana Murthy

NR Narayana Murthy’s article on productivity levels was the topic of much debate in the KDOP staff room recently. India’s shift from a “third world country” status to “lower-middle income” has a definite positive note but what is required for India to improve its economy further?

According to Mr Murthy first and foremost, all of us have to improve our discipline levels. Literally, laziness is suffocating the nation. The indigenous populations of all regions need to wake up and realise that if we do not get our act together we will get left behind! Governments, politics, laws and regulations in place are powerless without public involvement and adherence.

We have to improve our productivity levels to compete with countries such as China who continue to out do us in terms of manufacturing, productivity and output. Our discipline level in terms of work habits, punctuality etc have to improve. Mr Murthy goes on to say that there is a pertinent need for cultural transformation in India. Who is responsible and how can this be implemented?
Put simply, we ALL are responsible and implementation is the duty of each and every Indian despite age, class, caste, colour, creed, demographics or any other demarcation.

So now we have identified the possible issues what is the next step?

Mr Murthy importantly says that the need of the day is to “create jobs for not so well educated Indians, and that can only happen if we focus on low-tech manufacturing, in services and in infrastructure”.

The issue lies in a major discrepancy between workforce and GDP contribution. Agriculture consumes either directly or indirectly around 65% of our people but contributes only around 13-14% of our GDP.

According to Mr Murthy the solution is to “move people from agriculture to low-tech manufacturing and low-tech services after training them. This will provide the impetus to the people remaining in the agriculture sector to improve their productivity through new methods, new fertilisers and new research so that we can compete with countries like US and China and European countries in producing more out of one acre of land than what we are doing today.”

In conclusion, for the betterment of the economy, society and India’s future standing, we need to change our attitudes, behaviour and economic strategy. Low-tech manufacturing and services need to be focussed upon which in-turn will help us to concentrate the work force in place for agriculture. By updating our agricultural knowledge & practices we will be able to increase efficiency, decrease costs and contribute at least the same or greater to overall GDP.

Thus, let us make a pledge starting TODAY to improve ourselves and the entire Nation will benefit from our continued efforts now, tomorrow and for times to come for EVERYONE!

We leave you with a quote, famously associated with John F Kennedy’s 1961 inaugural address, which we hope provides a little motivation and inspiration…

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
– John F Kennedy

Article written by
Satinder Singh

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